Christmas Discount and Coming Changes
Changes at Futura Doctrina - and supporting Ukraine at Christmas time.
It is almost Christmas, and I wanted to publish an updated version of my recent article on the new features that I will be rolling out for Futura Doctrina readers in the coming months.
For those who have not yet read my previous article on this topic, what are the changes?
First, from now until 26 December 2024, I will be offering a discount on annual subscriptions. Whether you are upgrading from a free subscription or continuing an existing paid annunal subscription, you will be able to recieve a 20% discount. You can access the discount here.
Next, there will be no increase in the normal monthly subscription rate in 2025. I know that many of my paid subscribers have other subscriptions, and I hope this makes it easier for you to stay here given the enormous pressure on household budgets many people are experiencing at the moment.
Regardless of whether you are a monthly or annual subscriber, your sponsorship of my work here is deeply appreciated. It takes a lot of time to research, write and publish articles.
Not only does my work hopefully provide a resource for people who wish to understand contemporary and future security challenges, it allows me to make the necessary research visits that I take to places such as Ukraine. Your subscriptions also permit me to make regular donations to charities and crowd funders for the defence of Ukraine.
One important cause I support is raising funds for combat medics in Ukraine like Rebecca (Beka) Maciorowski and her team of medics in the Ukrainian 53rd Brigade. A Christmas fund raiser is ongoing to provide basic medical consumables for the combat medics of this brigade. You can see all the details on how to help at this link and follow Beka at Twitter/X and on Bluesky.
I also help the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations (AFUO) wherever I can. They are a terrific organisation that unites and supports Ukrainians in Australia, whether they have lived here for generations or are new arrivals because of the war. They have several appeals which accept donations to support the people of Ukraine at this link. And you can get a feel for the kind of support they provide from this recent story about another load of medical supplies dispatched by the AFUO.
Back to the update…
Another new feature of Futura Doctrina, which I commenced last weekend, is a weekly commentary that is published at my War Shorts podcast. My intention with this is to cover in more detail the topics that I explore in my Big Five weekly update, and to also undertake a deep dive into a special topic that is not covered in the Big Five. This new weekly commentary on War Shorts is a special feature for paid subscibers only.
Also for paid subscribers, coming in early 2025, will be regular live Q&A sessions with yours truly. I have had quite a few people ask about whether I would do this, and I have decided to take the leap and give it a go from early next year. At this stage, I will plan on doing it monthly. Watch for announcements about the first live Q&A session early in the new year.
Finally, for all my subscribers, I am going to start publishing a free annual reading list. I have done this in the past, primarily with the Modern War Institute. You can read some of the previous lists here, here and here. Initially, I will focus on a general reading list, which includes books, podcasts and online resources. However, if the demand exists, I might also try my hand again at more specialised reading lists. No promises yet on the specialised lists - I will see how the more general annual list (first one coming soon) before dipping into thematic areas.
Finally, I want to express a huge THANK YOU to all of my readers.
2024 has been a year of significant change in the global security environment. I have endeavoured to provide timely, accessible and informed updates on key issues that include Ukraine, the Middle East, the Indo-Pacific, and Australia, as well as more specific topics such as the impact of autonomous systems on modern war, and the importance of leadership, adaptation and good strategy.
I hope you don’t mind that I have also posted articles here that I have published with other outlets. These include my articles with the Lowy Institute, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Foreign Affairs, Engelsberg Ideas, the Sydney Morning Herald and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
For all of you who have subscribed (both paid and free), read my articles and stuck with me during 2024, thank you! I know there is a huge amount of material washing through the global information mesh, and I deeply appreciate your attention.
It constantly surprises me that people from all over the world are interested in my views and insights into modern strategic competition and warfare. I currently have subcribers in over 170 nations worldwide, and in all 50 states of the United States of America. I appreciate every single one of you.
I am excited about these new offerings, and hope that existing subscribers continue along for the ride. My combination of 35 years service in the Australian Army, serving from the tactical to the strategic levels in Australia, the U.S., East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as my educational experiences and research visits to Ukraine, the Middle East and across the Pacific theatre, provide me with unique insights into modern war, strategic competition and the shape of future conflict.
I love writing for you about these topics, and hope you enjoy Futura Doctrina now and into the future.
Thank you!
Mick Ryan
Thank you for the insightful analyses, the reading suggestions and all the great debates you made available to us this year. I am looking forward to the Q&A sessions next year.
Have a very happy Christmas Mick.
Andy ... 5RAR