Great stuff. I am not all too familiar with Taiwanese politics, but cannot imagine KMT would be preferable to Xi given the long history and fighting between KMT and the CCP, to understate it. So to me is sounds like 75% of the voters favor autonomy in some form.

So, what is Xi going to do next? His military and defense industries are ripe with corruption (see also Russia) and he may not have what he thought head had. The economy, by recent Chinese standards is tanking and unemployment is reported as being high. So what is his near term play again??

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Thank you for the update and for the links to other sources.

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Xi's policies on Taiwan strike me as as foolish as the old French/German policies over Alsace. I see the upside for China in integrating Taiwan's economy with its own and even peaceful unification but I don't see any upside in conquering the island. Surely he must see that war will be very expensive even if he wins. Why's he doing this?

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Taiwan is also called the republic of China. It’s funny how dictators always put peoples in front of their country name when it’s nothing of the sort.

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Why would Xi be surprised? Did he think invasion practice manouvers around Taiwan ; making threats over the mere visit of an American congresswoman... would endear the Taiwanese? These Hard right nationalist leaders are so stupid. Putin and the rest; they ALL believe the world is composed of spineless who will not react with anger and courage. American right too. They start wars totally shocked the other side wants to fight, or that the conquered resist with neverending insurgencies. All the debacles of the last century. Populations never just lay down they fight. The right wings everywhere think theyre some kind of master race and everyone else knows they're weaklings in comparison.

They threaten, they bully, they accomplish nothing except enemies stiffening and allying against them. And make their own allies distrust them. Then they make the supreme blunder of trying to invade.

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2024 will be sure not break the 2020s streak - sadly.

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