Indeed, the situation for Ukraine is dire. And given that US will be more or less in suspense between this weekend and January, and Europe is still sleeping… I fear we're close to Ukraine being lost.

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Thank you for sharing your insights - they are always useful and revealing. AUSTIN is correct: “Ukraine doesn’t belong to PUTIN”…he forgot to add that “the World doesn’t belong to America”.

America and apartheid-Israel are the two primary warmongering States destabilising the Rest because those two settler colonies both believe in exceptionalism, imperial domination and their own self-anointed impunity.

To think that Ukraine can defeat Russia - if only…if only…if only… - when even the Western propaganda machine is now admitting “that things are bleak for their proxy” whom they pushed into a murderous, American engineered and destructive, bloody defeat - borders on fairytales. Russia tried repeatedly, publicly, pleadingly for war to be avoided through diplomacy and negotiations…even after the Western dishonesty and deception with the Minsk Agreements.

The Western bubble of self-delusion needs a serious reality check; not its reproduction by astute analysts as yourself…

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Apartheid-Israel? Russia tried to avoid war? On what planet are you living?

At least you're consistent in your support of Russia and denigration of Israel. Consistently on the wrong side, I mean.

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* initiated

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All Israeli human rights organisations and all Western human rights organisations call Israel an apartheid state - so do all South Africans that fought and suffered under such an evil regime that is a crime against humanity. The ICJ too concurs. I live on the planet of facts and verified information - Russia imitated diplomatic efforts before and during the war to prevent/end it…those are all facts and verified information…the Rest is building a multipolar order based on greater fairness and equality in which the West too has its place: but not as the imperial dominator or the unaccountable exception…get ready for it…

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