Is it just me, or the trajectory of PLA's actions around Taiwan are on a very steady path converging on/around 2027? The rate of "blockade Taiwan" events is ramping up, and while such events were a clear statement in 2020, they're now common-place.

Or is it just my news bubble?

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I feel for the Ukrainians. They have been ruthlessly invaded by Russia, which despite all of Putins protestations is what happened. Who believes any sort of negotiation is possible with Russia? The Western Alliance is just as much as at fault. It has shown no strength or moral fibre when it comes to supporting Ukraine. I cannot see any hope for peace, Trump cannot offer either side what they want or need.

Russia clearly wants full control over Ukraines political & military spheres and is prepared to come back in 5 years time if necessary. Ukraine needs full and immediate NATO membership and I believe, all of its territories. Without any guarantees it may as well go down the nuclear weapons path. Nuclear annihilation may be preferable to Russian servitude - they’ve been down that path before. But that’s their decision.

Why hasn’t Ukraine been given the means to take out the origin sites of the guided bombs? This weapon is probably more responsible for the position Ukraine finds itself in than anything else the Russian’s have thrown at them. Ukraine is unable to set up strong points ie more than a dozen men because Russian guided bombs make this a suicide mission.

I have not heard any news re the expulsion of Russian forces from Syria. Cannot believe that Syrian forces would be open to negotiations re the two Russian bases in Syria given the destruction wrought by Russian military forces on Syria and its people. Is Israel just digging a bigger hole for itself by expanding into Syria? More territory to control.

I know I am coming at this from an outsiders perspective, but why does Taiwan retain control of the Kinmen, Matsu and Wuqiu islands? What possible benefit is there? Is it just prestige or is there a practical reason for this situation?

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